Understanding Panda.css: A Comprehensive Guide

CSS-in-JS has revolutionized front-end development by allowing developers to write styles directly in JavaScript, boosting componentization and reusability. However, one major drawback of CSS-in-JS is the runtime overhead it introduces, affecting application performance. But fear not, because Panda CSS is here to address this issue and bring the best of both worlds: the productivity of CSS-in-JS and the performance of traditional CSS.

Introduction to Panda CSS

Panda CSS is a game-changing library that combines the productivity of CSS-in-JS with the performance of traditional CSS. It tackles the runtime overhead issue associated with CSS-in-JS by generating optimized CSS at build time. By doing so, it eliminates the need for runtime transformations, resulting in improved application performance.

Panda CSS provides developers with a set of utilities, patterns, and recipes for building modern and responsive user interfaces. It offers a declarative approach to styling components using JavaScript objects, which makes the code more readable and maintainable compared to pure string-based approaches.

Key Features of Panda CSS

Panda CSS comes with several key features that make it a standout tool for front-end development:

  1. Build-time CSS Generation: Panda CSS leverages modern CSS features like cascade layers, :where selectors, and CSS variables to generate modern CSS code at build time. This approach ensures optimized and performant styles for your web applications.
  2. Design Token Support: With Panda CSS, you can easily specify base and semantic tokens using the W3C working token spec. This allows for consistent theming and customization across your application.
  3. Recipes and Variants: Panda CSS provides robust functions to define recipes and variants, allowing you to design composable component styles. Recipes are pre-defined styles for common UI components, such as accordions, buttons, links, and selects. These recipes are highly customizable, giving you flexibility in adapting them to your specific design requirements.
  4. Developer Experience: Panda CSS aims to provide the best-in-class developer experience. It offers a seamless integration with popular JavaScript frameworks like Next.js, Gatsby, Solid, Vite, Preact, Svelte, and more. You can easily set up and configure Panda CSS in your project, without any significant learning curve.

Who is Panda CSS for?

Panda CSS is a valuable tool for front-end developers who want to harness the benefits of CSS-in-JS without compromising on performance. It is ideal for those working on modern web applications that require efficient and optimized styling. Panda CSS caters to developers who value productivity, maintainability, and performance in their styling workflow.

Setting Up Panda CSS

Now that we’re familiar with the key features and benefits of Panda CSS, let’s dive into the steps to set it up in your project.

Step 1: Install Next.js

If you haven’t already, install Next.js globally on your local machine. You can use the following command to create a new Next.js project with TypeScript:

npx create-next-app@12 my-panda-project --example with-typescript

This command will create a new Next.js project with a TypeScript template, which we will use as the base for our Panda CSS setup.

Step 2: Set Up Panda CSS

  1. Install “@pandacss/dev” as a dependency in your Next.js project by running the following command:
npm install @pandacss/dev
  1. Initialize Panda CSS in your project by running the following command:
npx panda init

This command will create a “panda.config.ts” file at the root of your project, which will serve as the configuration file for Panda CSS.

  1. Update the “scripts” section in your project’s “package.json” file to include the necessary Panda CSS scripts. Replace the “dev” script with the following:
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "panda dev",
    "build": "panda build",
    "start": "panda start"

By updating the scripts, you can now use “npm run dev” to start the development server, “npm run build” to build your application, and “npm start” to start the production server.

  1. Set up custom PostCSS configuration by following the Next.js PostCSS guide. This will involve creating a “postcss.config.js” file at the root of your project and installing the necessary PostCSS dependencies.
  2. Update your PostCSS configuration to include the Panda CSS PostCSS plugin. Modify the “postcss.config.js” file with the following code:
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    require('tailwindcss'), // Replace with '@pandacss/dev' for Panda CSS

Step 3: Configure and Use Panda CSS

  1. Open the “panda.config.ts” file in the root of your Next.js project directory. This file serves as the configuration file for Panda CSS. You can start with a basic configuration, such as:
import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev';

export default defineConfig({
  theme: {
    extend: {},

The “theme” object allows you to customize various aspects of your application’s styling, such as colors, typography, spacing, and more.

  1. Open the “src/app/global.css” file in your Next.js project, and replace the content with the following code:
@import '@pandacss/dev/dist/panda.css';

/* Additional global styles for your application */
body {
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  font-size: 16px;

This code imports the Panda CSS styles and sets some additional global styles for your application.

  1. Update the layout file of your Next.js project, typically called “layout.tsx”. Make sure to import the Panda CSS styles at the beginning of the file:
import '@styles/global.css';
  1. You can now start using Panda CSS in your components by simply adding the Panda CSS classes to your JSX elements. For example:
import React from 'react';
import '@styles/global.css';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
    <div className="p-4 bg-primary text-white">
      This is a Panda CSS component!

export default MyComponent;

With these setup steps, you’re now ready to use Panda CSS in your Next.js project. Start adding Panda CSS classes to your components and take advantage of its powerful features for creating responsive and customizable CSS styles.

Customizing Styling with Panda CSS

Panda CSS provides a set of default styles for its components, but you can easily customize the styling to match your project’s design. Let’s explore some customization options offered by Panda CSS.

Theme Customization

One of the powerful features of Panda CSS is the ability to customize the theme according to your project’s specific needs. You can easily define your own color palettes, typography, spacing, and more to create a unique visual style for your application. To customize the theme, you can define your own theme configuration in the “panda.config.ts” file.

For example, to customize the primary color, you can add the following code to the “panda.config.ts” file:

import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev';

export default defineConfig({
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        primary: '#ff00ff',

This code extends the default theme by adding a custom color named “primary” with the value “#ff00ff”.

Patterns and Recipes

Panda CSS provides a set of patterns and recipes that you can use to quickly style common UI components. Patterns are common layout building blocks that provide pre-designed styles and configurations for elements such as box containers, flex containers, grid containers, and grid items. Recipes, on the other hand, are pre-defined styles for common UI components, such as accordions, buttons, links, selects, and more.

To use a pattern or a recipe, simply add the corresponding CSS class to your JSX element. For example:

import React from 'react';
import '@styles/global.css';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
    <div className="p-4 bg-primary md:flex md:justify-center md:items-center">
      This is a Panda CSS component with a flex layout!

export default MyComponent;

In this example, we’re using the “p” and “bg-primary” classes for spacing and background color, and the “md:flex”, “md:justify-center”, and “md:items-center” classes for responsive flex layout.

You can find more information about available patterns and recipes in the official Panda CSS documentation.

Advanced Usage: Implementing Animated Card Hover Effects

To showcase the versatility and flexibility of Panda CSS, let’s explore an advanced usage example: implementing an animated card hover effect. This example demonstrates how Panda CSS can be used to create complex and interactive user interfaces with ease.

Here’s a code snippet that showcases the implementation:

import React from 'react';
import '@styles/global.css';

const AnimatedCard = () => {
  return (
    <div className="relative bg-white rounded-md w-64 h-40 shadow-md overflow-hidden">
      <div className="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full transition-all duration-300 bg-primary bg-opacity-0 hover:bg-opacity-25"></div>
      <div className="p-4 relative z-10">
        <h2 className="text-xl font-semibold">Card Title</h2>
        <p>This is a card with an animated hover effect.</p>

export default AnimatedCard;

This code defines a component that renders a card-like element. When the user hovers over the card, it animates the background color to create an interactive effect. The card itself is styled using various Panda CSS classes, such as “bg-white”, “rounded-md”, “w-64”, “h-40”, “shadow-md”, and more.

You can experiment with this example and explore more advanced use cases using Panda CSS in your own projects.


Panda CSS is a powerful and innovative CSS-in-JS library that combines the productivity of CSS-in-JS with the performance of traditional CSS. By generating optimized CSS at build time, Panda CSS eliminates the runtime overhead associated with CSS-in-JS, resulting in improved application performance. It offers a seamless integration with popular JavaScript frameworks, provides a declarative approach to styling, and allows for easy customization and theming.

If you’re a front-end developer looking for a performance-oriented solution for styling your web applications, Panda CSS is definitely worth exploring. Harness the power of CSS-in-JS without sacrificing performance, and streamline your front-end development workflow with Panda CSS!