Learn to Use the Catch All Route in Next.js

Next.js is a powerful React-based framework for developing web applications across different platforms. One of its key features is its routing capabilities, which allow for dynamic and flexible handling of URLs. In this article, we will explore the concept of catch-all routes in Next.js and learn how to implement them in our projects.

Understanding Catch-All Routes

In Next.js, a catch-all route is a dynamic route that matches any number of URL segments. It is useful when you want to handle various URL patterns that have different levels of nesting or unknown segments. By using catch-all routes, you can create dynamic pages that can handle a wide range of paths without having to manually define each one.

Creating a Catch-All Route

To create a catch-all route in Next.js, you need to follow a specific file naming convention. The filename should contain an ellipsis (…) followed by the name of the parameter in square brackets. For example, if you want to create a catch-all route for blog posts, you can create a file called pages/blog/[...slug].js. The [...slug] parameter will capture any number of segments in the URL.

Inside the catch-all route file, you can access the captured segments using the router.query object. The segments will be passed as an array in the slug property of the router.query object. You can then use this data to dynamically generate the content of your page.

Here’s an example of how you can create a basic catch-all route in Next.js:

// pages/blog/[...slug].js

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

const BlogPostPage = () => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const { slug } = router.query;

  // Use the slug array to fetch the corresponding blog post data dynamically
  return (
      <h1>Blog Post: {slug.join('/')}</h1>
      {/* Render the blog post content */}

export default BlogPostPage;

In the above example, we import the useRouter hook from the next/router module to access the current router object. We then destructure the slug property from the router.query object, which will contain an array of the captured segments.

Implementing Dynamic Paths with Catch-All Routes

With catch-all routes, you can handle dynamic paths that have different levels of nesting. For example, if you have a website that includes categories and subcategories, you can create a catch-all route to handle all possible variations of the categories and subcategories.

Let’s say you have the following URL structure for your categories:


To handle these dynamic paths, you can create a file called pages/categories/[...segments].js:

// pages/categories/[...segments].js

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

const CategoryPage = () => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const { segments } = router.query;

  // Use the segments array to fetch the corresponding category data dynamically

  return (
      <h1>Category: {segments.join('/')}</h1>
      {/* Render the category content */}

export default CategoryPage;

In the above example, we capture all the segments in the URL after /categories using the segments parameter. Then, we can use the segments array to fetch the corresponding category data and render the content dynamically.

Key Takeaways

  • Catch-all routes in Next.js allow for handling dynamic URLs with varying levels of nesting.
  • To create a catch-all route, follow the naming convention of using an ellipsis (…) before the parameter name in square brackets.
  • Access the captured segments using the router.query object and the parameter name you specified.
  • You can use catch-all routes to handle a wide range of paths without manual configuration.
  • Catch-all routes are useful for creating dynamic pages in Next.js.

Who is Catch-All Routes For?

Catch-all routes in Next.js are useful for developers who need to handle dynamic paths with varying levels of nesting. If your application requires handling a wide range of URLs that can’t be defined statically, catch-all routes provide an elegant solution. They allow you to create dynamic pages that can adapt to different URL patterns without the need for manual configuration.


Catch-all routes in Next.js offer flexibility and power in handling dynamic URLs with varying levels of nesting. By following the naming convention and accessing the captured segments through the router.query object, you can create dynamic pages that handle a wide range of paths.

In this article, we’ve covered the basics of catch-all routes in Next.js and provided an example of how to implement them in your projects. By leveraging catch-all routes, you can build dynamic web applications that adapt to different URL patterns and provide a seamless user experience.

Remember to experiment with catch-all routes in your Next.js projects and explore how they can enhance the flexibility and versatility of your web applications.