Using Sleep Function in Node.JS with Examples

In a Node.js application, there may be situations where you need to pause the execution of your code for a specific duration. However, Node.js does not provide a built-in sleep function like some other programming languages. But don’t worry, in this guide, we will explore different methods to achieve this functionality in Node.js. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how to pause the execution of your Node.js scripts effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Node.js does not have a built-in sleep function.
  • There are several methods you can use to achieve a sleep-like behavior in Node.js.
  • The setTimeout function can introduce a delay before executing a block of code.
  • Using async/await with promises allows you to delay execution without callbacks.
  • You can also use external packages like sleep-promise to simplify the implementation of sleep in Node.js.

How to Pause Execution in a Node.js Program

When it comes to pausing the execution of a Node.js program, we need to utilize various techniques due to the language’s asynchronous nature. Let’s explore three different approaches you can use to pause the execution of your Node.js programs.

Method 1: Using the setTimeout() Function

One way to introduce a delay in your code is by using the setTimeout() function provided by Node.js. This function allows you to schedule the execution of a callback function after a specified delay in milliseconds.

Here’s an example of how you can use setTimeout() to delay the execution of code by 1 second:

setTimeout(() => {
  // Code to be executed after the delay
}, 1000);

In the example above, the code within the arrow function will be executed after the specified delay (1 second in this case). The setTimeout() function returns a timeout ID that can be used to cancel the timeout if needed.

Method 2: Using async/await

Another approach to pausing execution in Node.js is by utilizing async/await with promises. Promises allow you to handle asynchronous operations in a more synchronous-like manner.

Here’s an example of how you can use async/await to delay execution without callbacks:

function delay(time) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));

async function main() {
  console.log("This statement will be displayed immediately.");

  await delay(2000);

  console.log("This statement will be displayed after a 2-second delay.");


In the example above, we define a delay() function that returns a promise. This promise resolves after the specified delay time. Inside the main() function, we use the await keyword to pause the execution until the promise is resolved. This allows us to run the code after the delay statement in a more synchronous-like manner.

Method 3: Using External Packages

If you prefer a simpler and more concise solution, you can utilize external packages specifically designed for introducing sleep-like functionality in Node.js. One popular package is sleep-promise, which provides a convenient way to introduce delays in your code.

To use sleep-promise, you need to install it via npm:

npm install sleep-promise

Once installed, you can use it in your code as follows:

const sleep = require("sleep-promise");

async function main() {
  console.log("This statement will be displayed immediately.");

  await sleep(2000);

  console.log("This statement will be displayed after a 2-second delay.");


In the above example, we import the sleep function from the sleep-promise package. We then use await to pause the execution of code for the specified delay time (2 seconds in this case). This approach can simplify your code and make it more readable.

Who Can Benefit from Sleeping in Node.js?

The ability to pause the execution of code is useful in various scenarios, including:

  • Simulating delays in testing or debugging scenarios.
  • Synchronizing asynchronous operations within a Node.js application.
  • Implementing time-based functionalities such as scheduling tasks or timeouts.

Whether you are a developer working on a personal project, building a Node.js application, or simply expanding your JavaScript skills, understanding how to pause execution in Node.js can greatly enhance your programming capabilities.


Although Node.js does not provide a built-in sleep function, we have explored different methods to introduce delays in our code. By using setTimeout(), async/await with promises, or external packages like sleep-promise, we can effectively pause the execution of our Node.js scripts.

Remember to choose the appropriate method based on your specific requirements. Whether you need to introduce a delay within a specific code block or pause the entire program’s execution, there is a suitable approach for every scenario.

Now that you have a clear understanding of how to sleep in Node.js, you can confidently incorporate time-based functionalities and handle asynchronous operations more effectively in your Node.js applications.