How to Use attr_accessor, attr_writer & attr_reader in Ruby

In Ruby, object methods are public by default, while data is private. To access and modify data, we use the attr_reader and attr_writer methods. However, it can be repetitive and time-consuming to define getter and setter methods for each instance variable. That’s where the attr_accessor method comes in handy.

In this article, we’ll explore how to use attr_accessor, attr_writer, and attr_reader in Ruby. We’ll look at how these methods simplify accessing and modifying instance variables, and we’ll provide step-by-step examples to illustrate their usage. So, let’s dive in!

Introduction to Attribute Accessors in Ruby

When working with objects in Ruby, it’s common to have instance variables that hold different values for each instance of the class. By default, these instance variables are not accessible from outside the class. To expose these instance variables and allow other objects to read or modify them, we need to define getter and setter methods.

Traditionally, defining getter and setter methods is a manual process. You would need to define a method to read the value of an instance variable (getter method) and another method to update the value of an instance variable (setter method). However, Ruby provides a shortcut to automate this process with the attr_accessor method.

Purpose of Attribute Accessors – Exposing Instance Variables to the Outside World

The attr_accessor method is a shorthand way of creating both getter and setter methods for instance variables. It allows you to expose and modify instance variables without directly accessing them. By using attr_accessor, you create a public interface for interacting with instance variables, while still keeping the actual data private.

The purpose of attr_accessor is to simplify the process of defining getter and setter methods by generating them automatically. This reduces code duplication and makes your code more concise and readable. It also follows the principle of encapsulation by hiding the internal details of how instance variables are accessed and modified.

Need for Defining Getter Methods to Access Instance Variables

To better understand the need for attr_accessor, let’s consider an example with a Person class. Suppose we want to define a class that represents a person, and we want to store their name as an instance variable.

Normally, without using attr_accessor, you would define a getter method to access the name instance variable:

class Person
  def name

In this example, the name method acts as a getter method, allowing other objects to read the value of the @name instance variable. However, this method only provides read access and doesn’t allow us to update the value of the @name variable.

Example of Defining a Getter Method

To provide read-only access to the @name instance variable, we can define a getter method:

class Person
  attr_reader :name

With the attr_reader method, we don’t need to manually define a method to access the @name instance variable. Instead, Ruby generates a name method for us. This method returns the value of the @name instance variable whenever it’s called.

Using attr_reader, we can shorten our code and improve readability. Additionally, it provides a standardized way of defining getter methods for instance variables.

Introduction to attr_writer and attr_reader Methods

In addition to attr_reader, Ruby also provides the attr_writer method to define setter methods. The attr_writer method generates a method that allows us to update the value of an instance variable.

Let’s continue with our Person class example and define a setter method for the name instance variable:

class Person
  attr_writer :name

Now, we can assign a value to the name instance variable using the generated name= method:

person = = "John"

In this example, we create a new instance of the Person class and assign the name “John” to the name instance variable using the name= method. This provides a convenient way to update the value of instance variables without directly accessing them.

Creating and Defining Multiple Attribute Methods

While attr_reader and attr_writer are useful individually, it’s common to need both read and write access to instance variables. Instead of defining separate attr_reader and attr_writer methods, we can use the attr_accessor method to generate both getter and setter methods at once.

Let’s modify our Person class to use attr_accessor:

class Person
  attr_accessor :name

With attr_accessor, we no longer need to define separate methods for getting and setting the name instance variable. Ruby automatically generates both the getter and setter methods for us.

person = = "John"

In this example, we create an instance of the Person class, set the name instance variable to “John” using the generated setter method, and then retrieve the value of the name instance variable using the generated getter method.

Using attr_accessor not only saves us from writing repetitive code but also provides consistency in the way we define attribute methods for instance variables.


In this article, we explored the use of attr_accessor, attr_reader, and attr_writer in Ruby. We learned how these methods simplify the process of defining getter and setter methods for instance variables, allowing us to expose and modify the internal state of objects in a controlled manner.

By using attr_accessor, we can create both getter and setter methods with a single line of code, reducing code duplication and improving code readability. The attr_reader and attr_writer methods also provide alternative ways to define getter and setter methods individually.

The attr_accessor method, combined with the attr_reader and attr_writer methods, offers flexibility and simplification in accessing and modifying instance variables. By using these methods, we can adhere to the principle of encapsulation and expose only the necessary parts of our objects to the outside world.

So, next time you find yourself needing to define getter and setter methods for instance variables, give attr_accessor a try and see how it simplifies your code!

Key Takeaways

  • The attr_accessor method in Ruby automatically generates getter and setter methods for instance variables.
  • Using attr_accessor reduces code duplication and improves code readability.
  • The attr_reader method generates a getter method, allowing read access to instance variables.
  • The attr_writer method generates a setter method, allowing write access to instance variables.
  • The attr_accessor method combines both read and write access, generating both getter and setter methods.

Keep practicing and exploring the various features of Ruby to deepen your understanding of the language and enhance your coding skills.