How to Group Objects by Date in JavaScript

When working with arrays of objects in JavaScript, it is often necessary to group or categorize them based on a specific property value. Grouping objects by date is a common requirement, especially when dealing with time-based data or events. In this article, we will explore different approaches to group objects by date in JavaScript.

Key Takeaways

  • Grouping objects by date can be achieved using a combination of JavaScript array methods and date manipulation techniques.
  • The reduce() method can be used to group objects by date, by iterating over the array and categorizing each object based on its date property.
  • An alternative approach is to use the groupBy() method available in some utility libraries or through custom implementation, that simplifies the grouping process by providing a concise syntax.

Is it Possible to Group Objects by Date using JavaScript?

Yes, it is possible to group objects by date using JavaScript. JavaScript provides a variety of array methods and date manipulation techniques that can be leveraged to achieve this.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Grouping Objects by Date in JavaScript

To group objects by date in JavaScript, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure your date properties are in a consistent format: Before grouping the objects, make sure that the date values are in a consistent format, such as ISO 8601 (e.g., "2022-11-03"). This ensures that the grouping logic works correctly.
  2. Iterate over the array of objects: Use a loop or array method to iterate over the array of objects.
  3. Extract the date property: For each object, extract the value of the date property that you want to group by. This can be done using dot notation or bracket notation, depending on how the property is named.
  4. Create a grouping object: Initialize an empty object or Map where you will store the grouped objects. This object will have keys representing the unique date values and values representing arrays of objects belonging to that date.
  5. Categorize objects based on dates: For each object, check if the date value already exists as a key in the grouping object. If it doesn’t, create a new key with the date value and set its value as an empty array. Then, push the current object into the corresponding array.
  6. Access the grouped objects: Once the grouping process is complete, you can access the grouped objects using the keys of the grouping object.

Let’s now dive into the details of different approaches you can take to achieve this grouping.

Approach 1: Using the reduce() Method

The reduce() method is a versatile array method that allows you to iterate over the elements of an array and accumulate a single value by applying a provided callback function. In the context of grouping objects by date, we can utilize the reduce() method to create a grouping object.

const objects = [
  { date: "2022-11-03", name: "Object 1" },
  { date: "2022-11-03", name: "Object 2" },
  { date: "2022-12-03", name: "Object 3" },
  { date: "2022-12-03", name: "Object 4" },

const groupedObjects = objects.reduce((grouped, object) => {
  const { date } = object;
  if (!grouped[date]) {
    grouped[date] = [];
  return grouped;
}, {});


In this example, we start with an array of objects where each object has a date property. The reduce() method accumulates the objects into the grouped object. If the date property does not yet exist as a key in the grouped object, it creates a new key and sets its value as an empty array. Afterward, the current object is pushed into the corresponding array. Finally, the groupedObjects object contains the grouped objects, where the keys represent the unique date values and the values contain the objects belonging to that date.

Approach 1 is useful when you prefer to use native JavaScript methods without relying on external libraries.

Approach 2: Using Utility Libraries

If you prefer a more concise and readable syntax, you can use utility libraries that provide higher-level functions for array manipulation. One such function is groupBy(), which simplifies the grouping process.

const objects = [
  { date: "2022-11-03", name: "Object 1" },
  { date: "2022-11-03", name: "Object 2" },
  { date: "2022-12-03", name: "Object 3" },
  { date: "2022-12-03", name: "Object 4" },

const groupedObjects = groupBy(objects, "date");


In this example, the groupBy() function is used to group the objects array by the "date" property. The resulting groupedObjects object has keys representing unique date values and values containing the objects belonging to that date.

Approach 2 offers a more declarative and concise syntax, especially when dealing with complex grouping conditions or large datasets. Utility libraries like Lodash and Underscore provide a wealth of array manipulation functions, including groupBy(), to simplify your code.

Who is Grouping Objects by Date in JavaScript For?

Grouping objects by date in JavaScript is useful for developers who work with time-based data or events. It may be needed in various domains, such as:

  • Event management systems: Grouping events by date can help organize and display upcoming events to users.
  • Data analytics: Grouping data by date can provide insights into trends and patterns over time.
  • Task management applications: Grouping tasks by date can help users prioritize and plan their activities effectively.

Any JavaScript developer looking to group objects by date in their applications can benefit from the techniques discussed in this article.


Grouping objects by date is a common task in JavaScript programming. By using the reduce() method or utility libraries like Lodash or Underscore, you can easily group objects based on their date property. Whether you prefer a native JavaScript solution or a library-based approach, grouping objects by date can help you organize and analyze time-based data effectively.

Remember to ensure your date properties are in a consistent format and select the approach that best suits your needs. Experiment with the provided examples and adapt them to your specific use case. By mastering this skill, you’ll be able to tackle complex data tasks and enhance the functionality of your JavaScript applications.

Now that you know how to group objects by date in JavaScript, you can apply this knowledge to your projects and simplify your data processing tasks.