How to Clear an Array in JavaScript

When working with arrays in JavaScript, you may need to clear or empty an array. Whether you want to start fresh or remove all elements from an array, there are several ways to achieve this. In this guide, we will explore the different methods to clear an array in JavaScript and discuss their performance and memory implications. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to empty an array in JavaScript effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Clearing an array in JavaScript involves removing all elements from the array.
  • There are multiple methods to clear an array in JavaScript, including:
    • Creating a new empty array.
    • Setting the length property to 0.
    • Using the splice() method.
    • Manually iterating over the array and removing each item.
  • The best method to use depends on your specific use case and performance requirements.
  • Consider the implications on memory and potential side effects when clearing an array.

How to Clear an Array in JavaScript

Method 1: Creating a New Empty Array

One of the simplest and fastest ways to clear an array in JavaScript is by assigning it to a new empty array. This method completely replaces the original array with a new empty array.

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
arr = [];

By assigning an empty array to the variable arr, we effectively clear the array. This method is ideal when you don’t have any references to the original array from other parts of your code. However, if there are other references to the original array, they will continue to use the old array, which may cause inconsistencies in your code.

Method 2: Setting the Length Property to 0

Another method to clear an array is by setting its length property to 0. When the length of an array is set to 0, all elements are deleted.

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
arr.length = 0;

Setting the length of the array to 0 effectively removes all elements from the array. However, it’s important to note that this method doesn’t free up the memory occupied by the array elements. The values stay in the same memory locations, but they are no longer accessible when accessing the array. This can result in memory residuals. To clean up the memory, you would need to explicitly remove the values.

Method 3: Using the splice() Method

The splice() method is another option to clear an array in JavaScript. It allows you to remove elements from the array by specifying a range of indices.

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
arr.splice(0, arr.length);

In the example above, we use the splice() method with a start index of 0 and a length of the array to remove all elements from the array. This method not only removes the elements but also cleans the original array. It’s important to note that the splice() method modifies the original array, so use it with caution if you still need to retain the original array.

Method 4: Manually Iterating and Removing Each Item

Alternatively, you can manually iterate over the array and remove each item using a loop. This method gives you more control over the removal process and allows for additional operations if needed.

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
while (arr.length) {

By using a while loop and the pop() method, we continuously remove the last item from the array until the array becomes empty. While this method works, it is generally less efficient compared to the previous methods, especially for large arrays. Each pop() operation has a time complexity of O(1), but performing it repeatedly can result in slower execution times.

Performance and Memory Considerations

When choosing a method to clear an array in JavaScript, it’s important to consider the performance and memory implications.


  • Creating a new array: This method is the fastest since it directly replaces the original array. However, it can cause inconsistencies if there are other references to the original array.
  • Setting length property to 0: This method is also fast, but it doesn’t free up the memory occupied by the array elements. Use this method with caution if memory residuals are a concern.
  • Using splice() method: The splice() method removes the elements and cleans the original array. It’s a good option when you want to modify the array in-place.
  • Manually iterating and removing items: This method is the slowest since it requires iterating over the array and performing individual removals. Avoid using this method for large arrays or when performance is crucial.


  • Creating a new array: This method effectively clears the array and frees up the memory occupied by the original array.
  • Setting length property to 0: While this method clears the elements, it doesn’t free up the memory occupied by the array. Memory residuals may occur if the values are not explicitly removed.
  • Using splice() method: The splice() method removes the elements and cleans the original array. It frees up the memory occupied by the array elements.
  • Manually iterating and removing items: This method clears the array and frees up the memory occupied by the elements.

Who Should Use These Methods?

The methods discussed in this article are useful for JavaScript developers who need to clear or empty arrays in their code. Whether you’re working on a personal project, a web application, or any JavaScript-based project, understanding how to clear an array is a fundamental skill.

Wrapping Up

Clearing an array in JavaScript is a common operation that can be done using various methods. Each method has its own advantages and considerations in terms of performance and memory. By choosing the appropriate method based on your specific requirements, you can effectively clear an array and optimize your code.

Remember to consider the performance implications, such as faster methods for larger arrays, and be mindful of memory usage when clearing arrays. Select the method that best suits your needs and aligns with the requirements of your application.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of how to clear an array in JavaScript, it’s time to put this knowledge into practice. Experiment with different methods and see which one works best for your use case.